At LCCA, we want to serve as many people in the Alexandria & Northern Virginia area as we can. We have partnered with several Parachurch Ministries and some other local organizations while continuing to seek opportunities to join in where God is moving!
Church Associations & Networks

The Southern Baptist Conservatives of Virginia is a fellowship of Southern Baptist Convention churches cooperating to assist local congregations in their task of fulfilling the Great Commission as commanded by our Lord Jesus Christ. They come alongside local churches advancing the Gospel of Jesus Christ together to reach our neighbors and the nations.

NorthStar Church Network is a diverse family of autonomous congregations committed to practicing Baptist distinctives and strategically advancing the Great Commission of Jesus Christ. Our Network is comprised of almost 170 churches in Northern Virginia/DC.
Parachurch Ministry Partners

SLM consists of the NOVA Pregnancy Help Centers in Fairfax city and Alexandria; medical clinics that provide free and confidential services to women facing an unexpected pregnancy. They assist over 700 women each year by providing free pregnancy tests, ultrasounds, peer counseling done by our trained volunteers and classes to prepare for birth and parenting.

Central Union Mission is a faith-based 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization & the oldest private social service agency in Washington, DC. In addition to its emergency shelter, which provides over 62,000 bed-nights per year, the Mission operates a holistic, Christ-centered transformation & workforce development program for men, provides benefits for veterans, helps people overcome addictions, operates a food & clothing distribution center, (providing food for over 4000 people per month), runs a camp for underprivileged children, & offers a ministry to families and senior citizens.
Local Organizations

Cameron Elementary School is a Title 1 school in our neighborhood with approx. 500 students enrolled, with 68% of their student body on free or reduced lunch. We have been providing lightly used coats/hats/gloves for the portion of the student body that may need it during cold months, donating turkeys for thanksgiving, and plan to help in more ways soon!